ABSTRACTThis research investigates the complex relationships between digital orientation, entrepreneurial competency, and strategic change, and their impact on sustainable business performance. It also explores how sustainable competitive advantage and flexible resources moderate the link between strategic change and sustainable performance outcomes in dynamic business environments. The authors collected survey data from 349 small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) to test the proposed model. They then used partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS‐SEM) with SmartPLS 4 software to analyze the relationships between the variables. The findings reveal that digital orientation strongly drives strategic change, which in turn strongly enhances sustainable business performance. Digital orientation also directly leads to sustainable performance. Strategic change mediates the relationship between digital orientation and sustainable performance, while entrepreneurial competency partially mediates the effects of digital orientation. Competitive advantage and flexible resources moderately strengthen the link between strategic change and sustainable performance. This study provides novel insights into the complex interplay between digital orientation, entrepreneurial competency, and strategic change, and how these factors jointly contribute to sustainable business performance. The findings also uncover the moderating roles of competitive advantage and flexible resources, offering practical guidance for managers seeking to enhance long‐term organizational success in dynamic environments.
Published Version
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