
The contribution intends to reflect on a primordial model of time bank, by the project of Montessori school, in 1907. Maria Montessori and Edoardo Talamo, director of the Istitution of Stable Assets in Rome, were convinced that hygiene was as instrument of “civilization”; care of the environment, private and public, was for Montessori the tool to convince mothers to accept to enroll children to school and to collaborate in the management of the children’s school: Montessori and teachers would take care of the physical, mental and moral children’s health and mothers would make their female skills available to the school community, collaborating with the teachers to environment’s care. Teachers and mothers were equally called to donate to each other a part of their daily time, for the well-being of the children. Time is leitmotif of Montessori method, because it is considered a valuable tool for “dilating pedagogy”.

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