
Among the lost manuscripts of the Library of the Palau Reial Menor in Barcelona, there was a volume containing the Catalan translation of Matfre Ermengaud’s Breviari d’amor and Anselm Turmeda’s Llibre dels bons amonestaments. Although this manuscript cannot be currently examined, two secondary sources remain. The aim of this paper is to offer the palaeographic transcription and the edition<br />of Emengaut’s fragment, accompanied by a comparative study regarding the other manuscripts of the Catalan tradition. The Palau witnes manuscript is essential to understand the diffusion of this encyclopaedic work as it is the earliest dated Breviari. - Keywords Matfre Ermengaut; Breviari d’amor; Anselm Turmeda; Library of the Palau Reial Menor; Manuscripts; Medieval Catalan Translations.

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