
It was highlighted the process and was analysed the reasons pf spreading Russian language and narrowing the sphere of the using Ukrainian language in Ukraine in the second part of the 1940s-1980-s. On the materials of Dnipropetrovs’k region, one of the most developed region of the republic in the agrarian and agricultural sphere, it was shown that it was caused by the politics of the highest state-party leadership of the URSR and the most powerful agricultural construction in the first afterwardecade in the region's towns/cities during that the wide-involvement of the significant mass of people happened from different territories of the Soviet state and their subsidence on the permanent residence in the cities that made the using of Russian language objectively acceptable as the language of the international communication. The combination of these two factors contributed the large-scale deterioration of the Russian language in all spheres of production , administrative and managerial, cultural, everyday life and in the production, was identified the russification of the high, secondary special and professional education, general schools, nursery schools. Russian language became the language of the everyday life for the majority of the urban population. It was detected that the same tendencies started to appear in the village environment. It was analysed the forms and methods of its russification. The attention is focused on the factors that was promoted the wide-spreading and the fixing of the Russian language in the region. The serious influence on this situation had the policy that began to do in the USRS after the ending of the World War II on the initiative of the secretary of the CPSU Zhdanov A. It was called «zhdanivshchyna». The new outbreak of repression was happened during this period that was directed against scientific and creative intelligence. It was happened under the slogan of the struggle with "crawl" in front of west with "the rootless cosmopolitanism", "nationalism", the departure from marxism-leninism doctrine in science, culture, art. It is indicated that, as a result of such policy of the state, the region evolved from monolingual to bilingual. It's known that the situation with permanent ringing of the using of Ukrainian language didn't wick the negative among the population of the region. This position was based on the socially-economic factors (the best security of the industrial and grocery goods, higher salary compared to non-industrial regions, and the level and quality of life). The narrowing of the language sphere of the most Ukrainian ethnic region testified about the inorganic nature of the processes of the language policy in the Republic and the great role of the party-stare leadership in a sphere of the region russification. It's assigned that the process of russification supervised by the manifestations of anger up to the national history, culture, the perception of everything Ukrainian as less valuable. It's shown the demographic intertance of the carried out policy.


  • Ukraine at the context of the language politics in the middle of the 1940-s - the end of the 1980-s

  • On the materials of Dnipropetrovs’k region, one of the most developed region of the republic in the agrarian and agricultural sphere, it was shown that it was caused by the politics of the highest state-party leadership of the URSR and the most powerful agricultural construction in the first afterwardecade in the region's towns/cities during that the wide-involvement of the significant mass of people happened from different territories of the Soviet state and their subsidence on the permanent residence in the cities that made the using of Russian language objectively acceptable as the language of the international communication

  • Russian language became the language of the everyday life for the majority of GRANI 24 (1) 2021 the urban population

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Олександр Нікілєв

Україна у контексті мовної політики держави середини 1940-х − кінця 1980-х рр. (на прикладі Дніпропетровщини). Україна у контексті мовної політики держави середини 1940-х − кінця 1980-х рр. Висвітлено процес і проаналізовано причини поширення російської мови і звуження сфери вживання ‒ української в Україні у другій половині 1940-х–1980-х рр. Поєднання цих двох факторів сприяло масштабному поширенню російської мови у всіх сферах виробничого, адміністративно-управлінського, культурного, повсякденного життя області, міжособистісного спілкування у побуті і на виробництві, визначило русифікацію закладів вищої, середньої спеціальної та професійної освіти, загальноосвітньої школи, дитячих дошкільних закладів. Зазначається, що внаслідок такої політики держави область поступово еволюціонувала від переважно монолінгвістичної до білінгвістичної. Що ситуація з перманентним звуженням використання української мови не викликала негативу у населення області. Звуження мовного середовища української етнічної більшості області свідчило про неорганічність процесів мовної політики у республіці та велику роль партійно-державного керівництва у напрямку саме русифікації регіону. Ключові слова: Україна, Радянський Союз, Дніпропетровська область, українська мова, мовна політика, русифікація, денаціоналізація, демографічні наслідки

Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
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