
East Kalimantan has abundant potencies of horticultural comodity of banana. The production of banana is about 25,216 ton/ year harvested from the area of 4,784 hectares (Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Propinsi Kaltim, 2002). Mostly the banana variety is pisang kepok (Musa Acuminax Balbisiana Colla) that in certain stadium can produce high carbohydrate and it is used as raw material of flour for cake and infant food industries. Currently there is a set of machines to make banana flour in agribussines sub terminal in the residence of Loa Kulu of Kulai Kertanegara Regency.To know exactly the machines performances, it is needed to conduct a performance test to every machine involved. The tests conducted in Loa Kulu showed that the actual capacity of slicing in avarage is 177kg / hour with the thickness avarage of 2 mm and the efficiency of the slicer is 27,7% on the other hand, the strainer capacity is about 1,75- kg / minute or in avarage 2,52 kg/minute. It has an avarage rendemen of 79 % and lost in process of 2,81 % more over; the dryer capacity is 11,39 kg /hour and it also has rendemen and lost in process of 24,84 % and 4,79 % respectively. In additioan, by using a system of heat exchanger the efficiency of dryer becomes 20,49 %. Finally the disk mills making has a rendemen 87,80 % and lost in process of 2, 56 %.

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