
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas penyembuhan luka bakar dari sediaan salep yang diformulasi menggunakan bahan aktif dari ekstrak daun ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas L.). Penelitian diawali dengan melakukan maserasi sampel menggunakan etanol 96%. Ekstrak kental kemudian diuji fitokimia dan diformulasi menjadi sediaan salep lalu diuji aktivitasnya untuk luka bakar pada kelinci jantan. Diameter luka pada hewan coba dibuat sebesar 2 cm menggunakan pelat besi panas selama 5 detik. Perlakuan pada hewan coba dikelompokkan menjadi 5 yakni kontrol positif (bioplasenton), Formula salep yang terdiri atas 3 dengan konsentrasi ekstrak F1( 25%), F2(35%) F3 (45%) dan kontrol negatif (basis salep). Pengolesan sediaan tiap kelompok dilakukan sekali sehari pada daerah luka bakar selama 14 hari kemudian diamati ukuran luka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol daun ubi jalar ungu positif mengandung saponin, polifenol dan flavonoid. Hasil uji aktivitas menunjukkan persentase penyembuhan luka setelah hari ke-14 antara kontrol positif; F1, F2, F3 dan kontrol negatif berturut-turut adalah 95,83%; 40,83%; 55,83%; 72,50% dan 31,67%. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan F3 memiliki aktivitas yang paling baik karena aktivitasnya hampir menyamai kontrol positif yang merupakan salep pembanding di pasaran. This study aims to investigate the burn wound healing activity test of an oinment formulated using the active ingredient from purple potato leaves extract (Ipomoea batatas L.). This type of research is experimental with a posttest only control group design method. The research began with sample extraction using the maceration method with 96% ethanol. The extract was then tested for phytochemistry and formulated into an ointment preparation with 3 variations in extract concentration, namely F1 (25%), F2 F2 (35%) and F3 (45%). Test activity of the preparation was measured based on the percentage of healing of burn wounds on the backs of experimental animals, where the initial wound was considered to be 2 cm according to the diameter of the iron plate. Treatments on experimental animals were grouped into 5, namely positive control (KP), namely bioplacenton, ointment formulas F1, F2 and F3, and negative control (KN), namely ointment base. The preparations for each group were applied twice a day to the burn area for 14 days and then the diameter of the wound was observed. The results showed that the ethanol extract of purple sweet potato leaves positively contained saponins, polyphenols and flavonoids. The activity test results showed the percentage of wound healing after the 14th day between KP; F1, F2, F3 and KN respectively are 95.83%; 40.83%; 55.83%; 72.50% and 31.67%. So, it can be concluded that F3 has the best activity because its activity is almost the same as KP, which is a burn ointment on the market.

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