
Aware of the potential of the Virtual Mobility (VM) in the European Higher Education and after the study and previous participation in several European VM projects, we have analysed which have been the strengths and weaknesses of this kind of experiences, and, its impact in our university education systems. Thus, UbiCamp project arises to try to solve the main obstacles or difficulties encountered in this type of training. To implement a virtual mobility pilot under the direction of the UbiCamp project, we designed a framework in which we established the basic criteria necessary to define and carry out a pilot of Virtual Mobility. These basic criteria are composed of the main elements of virtual mobility, which we have divided into five dimensions: Academic, training, administrative, technological and sociocultural. In order to assess the viability of each dimension of the framework, we designed an online questionnaire for the main stakeholders; teachers and students. The main goal of this article is to analyse the main data from the questionnaires in each of the dimensions implemented in the pilot. From this study, we obtain a view of the expectations and motivations of students and teachers, before and after the MV, and assess if the organization, methodologies and technological tools used are appropriate for the proper development of the Virtual Mobility. Finally, we present a reflection about the encountered difficulties we tried to solve and we define what the main challenges to solve.

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