
The article presents the results of preliminary comprehensive ecological and geographical studies of the forest cover of the middle taiga subzone of Central Siberia. The higher syntaxa of forests were identified using the ecological-floristic classification of vegetation (Braun-Blanquet approach). All forest communities in the region are classified as Vaccinio – Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 and are represented by the following orders: Ledo palustris – Laricetalia gmelinii Ermakov in Ermakov et Alsynbayev 2004 – coniferous (mainly larch) forests of Northern Eurasia on permafrost soils characterized by stagnant moisture and low heat supply; Piceo obovatae – Pinetalia sibiricae Ermakov 2013 – typical Siberian dark coniferous forests; Lathyro humilis – Laricetalia gmelinii Ermakov et al. 2002 – boreal forests with the participation of xeromesophilic moderately thermophilic species, widespread in the ultracontinental climate of East, South Siberia and Mongolia. The features of their ecology and geographic regularities and the participation of order communities in the formation of forest cover in different parts of the studied region were considered.

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