
Many research has been carry out about football hooliganism or deviant behaviour among football fans especially in western country. The issue has been discussed since 1980s but until now, there is still existing of misbehaviour (deviant) among football fans around the world. But in Malaysia, there are no research has been done to explain about deviant behaviour among football fans. Football fans in Malaysia also facing misbehaviour such as deviant while watching live at the stadium, the numbers of incidents of deviant behaviour among football fans increase day by day. Therefore, this research has been carrying out to have an academic explanation why the fans behave like that and what type of deviant behaviour normally occur. Numbers of 600 football fans from state of Kelantan, Perak, Selangor and Johor were chosen to be respondents. Respondents around age 18-50 years old were involved within this study. The data showed that the respondents involved with verbal and physical behaviour while watching football at the stadium. A total of 77.8% of respondents said they were talking bad about the opponent team and their fans (trying to provoke the opponent fans). Throwing the objects such as rocks, firecrackers, flares and bottles always happens at the stadium. The throwing incidents happen usually because of dissatisfaction toward referee decisions. Besides that, the respondents also involved with fighting against opponents fans (36.7 %). All the behaviours either verbal’s or physicals were not happen if these fans have a spirit of sportsmanship and learn to be a professional fans. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n1s1p59


  • Being a number one favorite sport worldwide, football has a huge numbers of fans

  • Before discuss more about the behavior occur at the stadium, it is essential to know what are the respondents think about the environment at the stadium

  • Watching football live at the stadium is more exciting and more happiness rather than sitting alone in front of television

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Being a number one favorite sport worldwide, football has a huge numbers of fans. The fans watching the game at home (television or internet) but there are fans that are willing to spend their money and their time to watching football live at the stadium (Marimaa, 2011). The role as fans to the team is huge; they provide a supports and motivations to the players so that players can perform well at the match and win the game (Kao, 2002). The players are motivated by the support given by the fans. The performance of the players and team are indirectly affected by the support from their fans. The fans could reduce stress and get entertainment from sport event so it could relax body and mind (Huang, 2011)

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