
The term Pariksha is used for the Examinations done on patient for appropriate diagnosis. The prime duty of any Physician is to diagnose the ailment of the patient. The diagnosis cannot be done just on basis of one type of examination. In Ayurveda different types of examinations have been mentioned which were and still are useful in diagnosing the various diseases in patients. Two basic processes. 1) Interrogation or history taking or anamnesis , 2)Physical examination [1]and at present time pathological and radiological examinations are the basic requirements by which factual data of the diseases are collected. Ayurveda has mentioned in detail about the various Parikshas which have been categorized in Trividh , Panchvidh, Shadvidh , Ashtavidha Pariksha have been mentioned. Here Trividh Pariksha –Darshan, Sparshan and Prashna and its all aspects will be discussed in perspective of both Ayurveda and Modern medicine. These basic methods which are practiced today, with modern terminologies have one of the important place in Ayurvedic Nidan (diagnosis).

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