
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age that affecting large number of global population now a days. The condition described as presence of cysts on the ovaries leading to obstructed functioning of ovary. Amenorrhea, infrequent menstruation & ovulation, imbalanced hormonal levels, chronic pelvic pain and irregular bleeding are the common symptoms of Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Ayurveda also considered symptoms of PCOS as a disorder of Dosha vitiation and it is believed that disturbed functioning of Artava Dhatu is mainly associated with disease. Srota that is mainly affected in disease is Artavavaha Srota. Both ayurveda and modern science suggested various treatment modalities for the management of PCOS including conduction of disciplinary daily regimen. Considering the current scenario of disease, present article emphasized modern and Ayurveda perspectives of PCOS in a view to explore this area for upcoming researchers.

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