
This study aimed to describe the patients’ experience among inpatients at Lung hospital in Nam Dinh province, in 2022. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted by using the patient experience tool from the American Agency for Health Quality Research (AHQR). Quantitative research was carried out on 230 inpatients at Lung hospital in Nam Dinh province. The study showed that the overall positive patients’ experience among inpatients was 90.0%. In which, the positive patients’ experience of doctors and nurses’ care was the highest proportion (above 90%), the positive patients’ experience was lower than hospital environment (72.2%). Conclusion: To improve the positive patients’ experiences, the healthcare workers need to maintain the explanation and counseling of patients, especially drug information. Moreover, to ensure the convenient environment surrounding hospital (e.g. avoid noising at night) for inpatients when staying at hospitals. Keywords: Patient experience, inpatient, hospital, Lung hospital, Nam Dinh province.

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