
The present study has been analysed the trend in area, production and productivity of pigeon pea and the instability by Cuddy Della Valle index. The study has been carried out based on secondary data and the data was collected for the periods from 2007-08 to 2018-19. Compound annual growth rate, co-efficient of variation and instability index was computed. The growth rate of area and production of pigeonpea in India showed and significant positive at 1 per cent and 5 per cent level, respectively and productivity showed insignificant positive growth rate. The growth rate of area and production of pigeonpea of Karnataka showed significant positive trend at 5 per cent level and productivity showed insignificant positive growth rate. The increase in production occurs due to increase in area as well as interactions of area and productivity of pigeonpea in the study period. Thus, there is a need to take up productivity enhancing measures in pigeonpea like varietal improvement, improved cultural practices, disease control measures and irrigation facilities. The instability indices for area, production and productivity for pigeonpea is positive which indicates less risk in growing pigeonpea in future.

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