
Cysts of the iris are usually a late complication of cataract surgery. They may occur spontaneously. Epithelial cysts of the anterior chamber have been a rare but dreaded late complication of cataract surgery. Treatment of both types has always been a problem. Surgical excision has usually offered the most hope. In those cysts too large for surgery, use of x-rays and chemotherapy were sometimes successful. With the epithelial cyst of the anterior chamber, none of these methods was of much value and the eye was usually lost. Vail, 1 in 1953, reported four cases of iris cysts in which treatment by diathermy coagulation had been successful. He also reviewed the surgical, x-ray, and chemical treatment and pointed out some of the difficulties and failures of these methods. Kirby,* in his discussion of Vail's paper, reported 10 cases of iris cyst treated successfully with tincture of iodine. Thilliez, 3 in 1908,

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