
The years 1978-1987 were marked by the dramatic transition from a totalitarian political system to a more democratic society, which significantly impacted also the television of the Republic of Moldova. However, broadcasting from the end of the years ‘70, and the beginning of the ‘80s, continued to take place under the same conditions of fierce censorship, typical for the previous periods. The editorial policies of the visual were focused mostly on reflecting the ,,communist education” of the people, of the communist party propaganda, and the endless transmission of reportages about the socialist contest ,,from Congress to Congress”. Starting from the second half of the ‘80s, when the „Perestroika”, and „Glasnost” - transparency and democratization policies officially were announced, the changes in the mass media become more visible and significant. In the beginning, several new broadcasts appeared, where the ways of building a new model of socialism were been discussed: - „democratic socialism”, „developed socialism”, „socialism with a human face” and other inventions of communist ideology. Yet, more and more unusual phrases sounded for the Soviet viewer in the broadcast, such as „general-human values”, „pluralism of opinions”, „democratic system” and so on. New visions and ideas of transforming the community, of radical political, social, and economic changes were debated in society. In the end, they brought about the collapse of the Party-State, the disappearance of the centralized state television, and the arrival of a new competitive system of audiovisual.

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