
Socio-political changes in the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries in the conditions of geopolitical processes specified by the collapse of the Soviet and socialistic systems, rapid development of information-and-communication technologies have transformed information space. Contemporary Ukrainian journalism and its national information space have been established in interdependence with sociopolitical, economic, cultural-educational development of the independent Ukrainian state. Media were both a mirror and a catalyzer of the socio-political processes. Ukraine’s development in the current conditions of the military aggression and increased information threats creates a necessity to protect its national information space, to improve the system of information security and resist to information operations, and to decrease negative results of the impact of external information. Globalization of the information space and the increased scope of untrue information in the post-truth age require an expansion of the opportunities for media education, a development of critical thinking and enhancement of the level of citizens’ media literacy, their ability to counterstand manipulations both from inside and outside.

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