
The article analyzes the structural shifts in professional qualifications employment of the Ukrainian population, revealing the trends and nature of their changes. It has been found that the labor market is characterized by multidirectional trends. On the one hand, according to formal features, the professional qualifications structure of the population is approaching the indicators peculiar to a developed labor market: set against the reduction of the employed in the simplest occupations, there is an increase in the number of professionals, and trade and services workers. At the same time, the analysis of the interprofessional distribution of the workforce, carried out by the method of resulting shifts, has shown that in a number of professional groups of exclusive value for the country’s economic development, there is a net outflow of workforce.
 The revealed destructive processes indicate the absence of a well-formed basis for a profound qualitative restructuring of the national labor market. The available trends are due to the following key factors: inadequate level of the institutional provision of the labor market, and the impact of global employment trends. With the beginning of the full-scale Russian military aggression against Ukraine, the national labor market initially froze, but is gradually adapting to war conditions. Under the outlined conditions, the priority tasks of state bodies will be the complex reconstruction and development of the real sector on an innovative basis in connection with the labor market development strategy, the key task of which is to improve the wage mechanism and increase the cost of labor.

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