
The article examines the latest large-scale phenomenon on the territory of Ukraine - mass internal and external migration of the country's citizens, caused by the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. The number and structure of migrations of citizens abroad, in particular by level of education, are outlined, and the directions of emigration are determined. The main problems faced by compatriots abroad and in case of returning to Ukraine are highlighted. The principles on which the future policy of re-emigration and reintegration of Ukrainians should be based are given. Incentives and tools that can encourage migrants to return to the Motherland are summarized. The main problems hindering the development of Ukraine have been identified, without solving which it is impossible to expect a mass return of citizens from abroad. The experience of the migration policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the international community, which joined in supporting this country and its citizens during the difficult times of the military conflict for the country, is presented. The main directions of the state policy of re-emigration are formulated based on the needs of returning citizens and the resolution of internal contradictions in the socio-economic development of Ukraine.

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