
This article is devoted to the study of the training of engineering and technical personnel for the textile industry of the USSR. In the conditions of the third five-year plan, it has acquired particular urgency, since the textile workers of the country were tasked with significantly increasing production capacity in order to ensure the growth of output for the civilian population and technical fabrics. To do this, it was necessary not only to smooth out the consequences of the mass repressions of 1937-1938 in relation to managers and engineering and technical workers of factories and plants, but also to train a huge number of highly qualified specialists for the textile industry. The implementation of the task was carried out in conditions of an acute shortage of educational facilities, their congestion, as well as a shortage of dormitories for students and housing for the teaching staff of higher technical educational institutions. Important attention was paid to the activities of scientific research institutes, their relations with enterprises, and the introduction of scientific developments into production. Despite the creation of new textile districts in Western Siberia, Central Asia and Transcaucasia, the training of engineering and technical personnel was still carried out in Moscow, Leningrad and Ivanovo. The creation of new higher education institutions was hindered by the lack of capital investments, the lack of material and technical base, scientific and teaching staff, as well as the presence of other problems. Nevertheless, the system of scientific research institutions, higher technical educational institutions, industrial academies and technical schools that existed in the pre-war period made it possible to train a large number of qualified specialists, to form the ranks of the Soviet scientific and technical intelligentsia.

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