
EDITOR'S NOTE: Teachers of marketing and their students project at any university or business are in constant search for worthwhile research projects. school. In the first place, the main or They will be grateful to Dr. White for his pains-taking classifcation and listing of the opportunities in this possibly the only purpose may be to field. The editors of the JOURNAL OF MARKETING will train the student in research methods, welcome opportunity to publish the results of any studies using marketing as the field for that purundertaken as a result of this article. pose. In such instances, and they are T HIS Association has agreed upon a common where marketing research is definition of marketing research open as a course of study, the machinery which runs as follows: of research becomes more important Marketing Research-Marketing Research than the contents of the job which the is the study of all problems relating to the student may be doing. It is more necestransfer and sale of goods and services from sary that he go through the steps which producer to consumer involving relationare involved, giving some attention to ships and adjustments between production the alternate methods, than that he have and consumption, preparation of commodia sound set of conclusions to present as ties for sale, their physical distribution, his parting effort in the course. wholesale and retail merchandising, and is parting effort in the course. financial problems concerned. In the second place, the main objecThe use of the term Marketing Research tive or one objective may be to test old in preference to Market Research is recomtechniques or develop new ones. One or mended as the former indicates the study more students using the same data can of the entire marketing process and is dywork out their results by various methnamic in its implications while the latter is ods, the value being the conclusion static and indicates rather the study of a which is reached, concerning the fitness geographical area or group of buyers. of a method for certain uses or the virtue

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