In February 2001, the ACGME endorsed systems-based practices as 1 of 6 competencies to form the basis of residency education [1,2]. In the proram requirements, the ACGME’s iagnostic Radiology Residency Reiew Committee states that residents ust “participate in identifying sysem errors and implementing potenial systems solutions” and be trained to analyze systemically the roblems, develop solutions, impleent solutions, and evaluate the efectiveness of the intervention” [3]. hus, residents need to be conductng and participating in quality imrovement projects as part of their esidencies. Engaging residents in a epartmental performance improveent initiative can provide them ith valuable experience in physician eadership, and the department gets a aluable asset in tackling problems. he real trick is incorporating these CGME requirements into an aleady overregulated and compressed esidency without it being the straw hat breaks the resident’s back [4]. The first step is to view this reuirement as a meaningful way to enich the residency program. On anther level and in a study of medical tudent education, schools that inorporated practice management raining into their programs found hat students were significantly more atisfied with their education than chools that did not [5]. Following re suggestions for incorporating a erformance improvement curricuum into your radiology residency rogram. Consider Quality Improvement as an “Antirotation”
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