
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the comprehensiveness of interventional radiology (IR) residency program websites. We determined whether all integrated IR residency programs approved in 2016 by the Society for Interventional Radiology had a dedicated residency program website. On each website, we searched for 38 elements identified as important considerations for medical students applying to diagnostic radiology residency and IR fellowship programs. With the use of t tests and ANOVA, both the prevalence of criteria between regions and program sizes were compared. Of 61 IR residency programs that were identified, 44 (72%) had dedicated websites. On average, the websites included 38% of the 38 elements evaluated. Only two residency program websites (5%) included more than 50% of the criteria assessed. The information most commonly found was a contact e-mail (95% of websites), a mailing address (91%), and a comprehensive listing of faculty (75%). The information that was least commonly included was clinical responsibility progression (7%), a description of didactics (5%), and simulation experience (5%). No significant difference in website comprehensiveness was noted between regions (p = 0.590) or between different quartiles of ranking of IR fellowship on an online social networking service for U.S. clinicians (p = 0.198). Nearly one-third of integrated IR residency programs do not have a dedicated website. Those that do exist are inadequately comprehensive, with less than 40% of assessed criteria present. Contact information and information about life outside of work were the most commonly included elements, with a description of clinical training opportunities less frequently included. Addressing these gaps in website content will help IR residency programs better inform prospective students and may increase the number of applicants.

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