
Social media is increasingly accepted by people around the world as a medium for searching for information including religious information as it is easily accessible. Muallaf is an individual who has recently converted ti Islam. Many of them not yet mastered the full understanding of Islam. The emergence of social media can be used to search an Islamic information to improve their understanding and to practice of Islam. This study was conducted to identify the social media application used, the type of an Islamic information sought and the behavior of seraching for an Islamic information on social media among muallaf. Data was collected through a quantitative method by surveying 30 of muallaf around Klang Valley. A set questionaires are distributed face to face and online (Google Form). The statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software are used to analyzing reliability and descriptive tests. The result of the pilot test found that WhatApps (mean=5.96) anf YouTube (mean=5.60) applications were among the highest used to find an Islamic information. They also look for various Islamic information on social media such as hukum hakam, religious talks, recital classes and sedekah. They also seek Islamic religious information to improve their understanding and worship (ibadah). The reliability test for dimension of behavior of religious information seeking accepted with value Cronbach Alpha α=.976. This study provides an overview and general understanding of the use of social media and the behavior of Islamic information seeking on social media among muallaf. However this pilot study is still limited and requires more studies to explore the Islamic information seeking behavior among muallaf.

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