
Generally, shallow deposits are mined through open-pit mining and where the deposits are extended to a substantial depth, there is a potential for a combination of open-pit and underground mining methods. In this case, mine planning and optimisation play a significant role in the decision-making. This paper proposes a mixed-integer programming model to obtain the optimal transition point and the transition period from open-pit to underground mining, maximizing the project net present value considering crown pillar placement and development cost. An implementing at a three-dimensional case study generates the optimal transition point and period and an optimal production schedule for both open-pit and underground operations. The implementation considers three scenarios: transition point only (scenario 1), transition point and period without production delay (scenario 2), and transition point and period with two-period production delay during the transition (scenario 3). The optimal transition point for scenario 1 is 315 m and for scenarios 2 and 3 is 360 m below the surface.

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