
In femtosecond laser-flash photolysis experiments, the first singlet excited state of trans -ST, ((E,E)-{1,4-bis(2-dimethylphenylsilyl)ethenyl}benzene) showed a strong S1(π,π ⁎ )-Sn absorption band at 540 nm in acetonitrile and at 550 nm in hexane. The lifetime of this state was determined to be 13.2±2.0 and 11.1±1.5 ps, respectively. Intersystem crossing was shown not to be a principal route for the deactivation of this S1 state of trans -ST. Evidence for this conclusion involved two complementary nanosecond laser-flash photolysis experiments. In one experiment involving direct excitation, no transient absorption spectrum was detected in the 350–650 nm spectral range. Yet, in the second experiment, on triplet sensitization, using xanthone, a transient absorption at 400 nm was tentatively assigned to the triplet state absorption of trans -ST. Photoisomerization was monitored in nanosecond time-resolved bleaching experiments. From these experiments the trans – cis photoisomerization quantum yield was determined to be 0.23 on direct trans -ST excitation. In a xanthone-sensitized stationary-state excitation experiment, the trans – cis isomerization quantum yield was determined to be 0.32. The main deactivation route of trans -ST in its S1 state is repopulation of the ground state directly through internal conversion or with the intermediacy of conformers with twisted geometry.

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