
This study uses the extended UTAUT2 model to examine how threat perceptions affect Indian consumer e-wallet purchasing intentions. Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, perceived uncertainty, trust, and service quality are examined. This empirical study used random sampling and a standardized 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. of 300 surveys, 280 were returned by active e-wallet customers. Correlation and regression were performed in SPSS 20 and Excel. Threat perception strongly influences e-wallet use, according to the study. Perceived uncertainty, trust, facilitating conditions, and service quality affect threat perception. E-wallet adoption intentions are indirectly affected by performance, effort, and social influence. This study emphasizes the necessity of resolving threat perceptions to boost e-wallet consumer confidence. Developers and service providers should reduce perceived risks to increase purchase intent and user adoption. Future research should use comprehensive models like UTAUT2 to examine these aspects. Time constraints and a small sample size don't properly represent India's diversity, thus the study only examines perceived e-wallet risk. To better understand e-wallet adoption trends, larger samples should be used in future studies.

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