
Energy systems based on Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) such as solar energy (PV, PV/T) and wind energy (wind turbine) are intermittent by weather and climate conditions. This poses challenges for managing to obtain a stable energy supply. Microgrids based on VRE must accommodate the variability using, for example, energy storage. The second options for adjustment are backup generators or sources with firm capacity cooperating with VRE. The article presents an analysis of individual RES sources PV, PV/T system, wind turbine and biogas plant indicating the advantages of individual components and the possibility of their cooperation in a microgrid. The analysis for the assumed climatic conditions (location: Katowice, Poland) showed the benefits of the combination in the energy mix sources based on solar radiation and wind energy. The analysis also covers the use of the energy stored (based on electrolyser, hydrogen store and fuel cell) and presents the possibilities of using energy storage technology in various options of the energy mix. The most advantageous was a mixed system based on renewable energy sources using solar irradiation and wind energy with the stabilizing participation of a biogas plant - in this case, the capacity of the energy storage was fully used. In the further part of the article an exergo-ecological analysis using the TEC concept (thermo-ecological cost) is presented. TEC indicators for different versions of the energy mix were presented, analysing the systems in terms of natural resource management. The thermo-ecological analysis showed that the best energy mixes in terms of assessing the efficiency of natural resource management are systems that use the advantages of each component, supporting by energy storage.

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