Abstract The laser radiative oxidative decomposition of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and the evolved decomposition products in the gas-phase are investigated using imaging Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (IFTS). The spatial and temporal evolution of the gas plume in air was investigated with adequate spatial (0.81 mm 2 per pixel) and spectral resolutions (2 cm −1 ). Surfaces of black PMMA samples were irradiated from 4 to 22 W/cm 2 with a cw 1.064 μm Nd:YAG laser. Strong spectral emission of methyl methacrylate (MMA) was observed in the infrared. Spatial maps of plume temperature and MMA column density were obtained from modeling the observed spectra by assuming a homogeneous single-plume radiative transfer model (RTM). A spectral model was used to compute the gas emissivity from an experimentally measured, interpolated and extrapolated MMA absorption coefficient database. In addition, the spectral radiance from the irradiated PMMA surface was fitted with Planck's distribution to obtain temporal and spatial surface temperature profiles. The peak signal-to-noise exceeded 50:1, allowing plume temperature and MMA column density determinations with low statistical errors. Laser irradiated PMMA reached a steady surface temperature of 613.9 ± 0.8 K and a peak gas-phase temperature of 700 ± 19 K at 22 W/cm 2 . The reported statistical uncertainties for all the results are defined as the half-width of the 95% confidence interval and do not include systematic errors associated with the assumption of a homogeneous plume or the effects of turbulence. As laser intensity increased, gas temperature decreased at the surface-boundary layer. A simplified thermal analysis was developed to understand the wavelength dependent surface heating rates from using both CO 2 and Nd:YAG lasers. An Arrhenius plot of MMA formation at the surface for a single pixel was compared with established kinetics models. At surface temperatures of 450–600 K, an effective activation energy of 30.83 ± 8.29 kJ/mol was obtained, consistent with surface desorption of the monomer.
Published Version
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