
The author regards in this article the questions, which are connected with the ontological and epistemological foundations of the theoretical international studies. IR as science refl ects the main features of the dominating at the epoch scientifi c world pictures as the way of cognition. As the term “scientifi c world picture” was formulated by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger as well as by the most prominent scholars of the fi rst part of the 20th century – by M. Planck, A. Einstein, N. Bohr, E. Schrodinger etc. Even if some contribution in the development of sciences was done already in the period of Antiquity and Middle Ages, the scientifi c world picture was formulated only with the transition to Modernity, with the exude of the human being from nature. Being based on the typology, done be the Russian academician philosopher V.S. Stepin . the author regards the specifi cs the main scientifi c world pictures, and their consequences in the classical, non classical and post non classical science. By the way, the IR science with great diffi culties accepts the new worldview, at its main part still functioning in a sense of the Newtonian mechanistic world picture. Even if the attempts have been made to be fi tted into the new scientifi c world pictures, the gap between the natural and social sciences is still diffi cult to overcome, and the usage of the newest world view ideas is still fragmented and even marginal. Because of that the latest attempt to fi nd soma balance between the traditions and innovations, by the most famous constructivist Alexander Wendt with his newest book “quantum Mind and Social Science” deserves through attention and analysis.


  • The author regards in this article the questions

  • IR as science reflects the main features of the dominating at the epoch scientific world pictures

  • at its main part still functioning in a sense of the Newtonian mechanistic world picture

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Ключевые слова: научная картина мира; классическая наука; неклассическая наука; постнеклассическая наука; теория международных отношений; позитивизм; нормативизм; политическая философия; единство наук; конструктивизм; квантовая физика Наука о международных отношениях отражает основные черты господствующих в ту или иную эпоху картин мира как способа научного познания. Хотя все же предпринимаются попытки вписаться в новые картины мира, разрыв между естественными и социальными науками продолжает оставаться крайне трудно преодолимым, а использование новейших мировоззренческих идей фрагментарным и даже маргинальным.

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