
This article examines the issue of violin education in the People's Republic of China from the point of view of theory and practice. A historical excursion is conducted and a retrospective of the formation of professional university violin education in China is given. The educational process in the leading conservatories of China is studied on the example of programs, as well as the activities of teachers and professors. The author comes to the conclusion that due to the application of the principle of continuity of pre-university and university levels of violin playing in China, Chinese violin art by the turn of the XX-XXI centuries not only reached the world level, but became one of the brightest, independent and deeply original areas of the world violin art. The article uses theoretical methods of research: analysis, synthesis, classification of the results obtained, as well as the method of generalization. The violin is one of the most popular European musical instruments in China, so many people want to master this instrument. There are so many applicants that there are not enough educational institutions for them, which operate only on the territory of large cities. In this regard, private music education is widespread in China. In parallel with the formation of the performing arts, the technique of playing the violin has received multilateral development and scientific justification. The development of Russian and European teaching systems has become the basis of the Chinese methodological system adapted for China and taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Thanks to the application of the principle of continuity of pre-university and university levels of violin playing in China, Chinese violin art by the turn of the XX-XXI centuries not only reached the world level, but became one of the brightest, independent and deeply original areas of world violin art.

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