
The article explores theoretical and methodological approaches to the classification of factors that influence the formation of market strategies in the food industry. It is scientifically substantiated that the factor is a significant circumstance in the management processes of the food industry, and the significance of the relevant management factors is determined by the established management goals. In order to ensure the sustainable development of the food industry, the organization of production activities must first and foremost be adapted to the changing internal and external environment, taking into account the influence of the relevant factors. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the classification of factors that allow to separate relevant groups of factors are investigated. A modern interpretation of the classification of factors of influence factors is proposed, which is based on the multidimensionality of theoretical and methodological approaches to the justified determination and classification of factors that have a deliberate influence on the production activity of food industry subjects. The scheme of adaptation of production activity of the food industry subject to changes in the external and internal environment is developed. The main reasons are identified, which necessitate the formation of a fundamentally new market strategy or the introduction of significant changes in the current strategy of development of the food industry subjects. The methodological basis of the paper is the complex of methods, including methods of scientific cognition, analysis and synthesis, systematization and scientific abstraction. The information basis of the conducted researches is the scientific work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of realization of market strategies in the subjects of the national economy. The study of the system of ensuring the formation of market strategies in the food industry takes into account not only the systems of relevant parameters, which act as indicators of economic processes, but also the multivariate influence factors that determine the magnitude and dynamics of changes in the implementation of market strategies in the industry. The author has proved that to systematize and fully apply information about the interrelation of relevant factors of influence and, as a result, to formulate well-grounded management decisions, possibly on the basis of a semantic systematic approach, taking into account the principles of management of industrial activity of the subject of food. The proposed author classification of factors that influence the provision and implementation of market strategies in the food industry, systematizes segment groups of factors, the isolation and identification of which provides the speed of management capacity response to ensure an adapted integrated impact on the formation and development of the industry. In order to ensure the sustainable development of the food industry, the organization of production activities must first and foremost be adapted to the changing internal and external environment, taking into account the influence of the relevant factors. It is proposed to distinguish three stages of diversification processes in the production activity of food industry subjects: re-profiling, reforming and transformation, which ensure the implementation of market strategies in the subjects of the industry.

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