
The paper deals with the study and investigation of various theoretical approaches to the interpretation of “management” and “sustainable development” concepts, as well as the features of the sustainable development formation concept. It deals with the diversity of views concerning the sustainable development concept in terms of commercial enterprise. The importance of concept implementation is explained by the possibility of balancing the sustainability of all activity components, which provides the growth of socio-economic indicators while preserving the environment and natural resources. The purpose of the investigation is the theoretical substantiation of rationale of the meaning of enterprise sustainable development management concept and the principles of its provision. In the investigation process the following complex methodological approach are applied: theoretical generalization, synergetic, abstract-logical and graphical methods for more synthesized image of the investigated object. The main approaches for determining the enterprise sustainable development are studied and clarified. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of the integrated approach for ensuring the concept of sustainable development management as that one which takes into account the features of all components development and provides an overall assessment of the enterprise sustainability subsystems. The characteristics of the group of stability indicators are defined in this paper. Their definition makes it possible to carry out the detail analysis of activity aspects. Directions for the improvement of the organization conditions due to the implementation of sustainable development management concept are formulated. The importance of the chosen problem is caused by permanent search for effective management mechanisms focusing the management activity on current problems and factors of changing environment negatively affecting the enterprise sustainability. This means that the shifts in enterprise sustainable management provide the opportunity to implement an integrated management policy by required changes resulting in the optimization of business processes, the increase of the level of transparency in operation and the compliance with the principles of sustainable development while preserving the environment.

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