
Theoretical concepts of methodological innovations in higher education institutions were comprehensively analyzed in the article. It must be stated that among the whole spectrum of pedagogical technologies, we prefer interactive ones. The implementation of these methods allows to conduct diagnostics and assessment of knowledge acquired by students as well as to conduct control of theoretical concepts of the necessary material, the result of all these must be filling of information gaps between existing and unknown knowledge for students. It must be stated that these technologies are effective both for conducting lectures and practical classes. Dialogic communication between the lecturer and the audience leads to mutual understanding, interaction, joint solution of general but significant tasks for each of the participants. At the same time, during the lecturer's dialogue with future teachers, they learn to think critically, solve complex problems, taking into account the analysis of the circumstances and the information provided. No less important is the formation of alternative approaches, making deliberate decisions, skills of debating with the lecturer or fellow students, taking as a basis their own vision of the problem. Particular attention is paid to contextual learning, which greatly contributes to the optimization of learning. It is primarily based on students' creative and productive thinking, actions and communication, but not exclusively on the processes of perception or memory. Contextual learning is organized in such a way that knowledge, skills and abilities are not transferred as objects of student activity, but as means of solving tasks of professional activity.We found out that interactive technologies and strategy of contextual learning contribute to the consciousness of professional position and self-actualization of the future teacher. These technologies help to level out some "problem areas" of professional training of future teachers, guarantee the achievement of the expected results of the educational process and improvement of the quality of graduates’ training.

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