
In the article, the author reveals the features of the formation of professional competence of future electricians through the use of electronic educational resources. The research and publications are analyzed, the essence of training is determined as a means of increasing the professional competence of students of vocational (vocational) education institutions. Their readiness for professional activities. The use in practice of the theoretical knowledge gained, the formation of professional abilities and professional thinking. It shows the introduction and use of electronic educational resources in vocational education that stimulates and motivates students to acquire knowledge and the formation of skills, optimizes the process of vocational training and contributes to the development of general and professional competencies of future electricians. It should also be noted that in the conditions of informatization of vocational training. a decrease in psychological stress is noted, by moving from the subjective relations “student - teacher” to the most objective relations “student - electronic resource - teacher”. The author emphasizes that, in general, solving the problem of forming professional competence of future specialists is possible through targeted pedagogical management of the optimization of the educational process. Attention is focused on the fact that today fundamentally new approaches to the development of the vocational education system need to be developed. The author focuses on the fact that competence helps a specialist to efficiently solve a variety of tasks related to his professional activity. The future electrician must realize himself through professional education as a specialist, professionally formed, cultural and highly educated person. The article discusses the concepts of "competence" and "competence". One of the most important features of professional education is the growing importance of professional competence of a future specialist. The formation of professional competence of a future specialist comes to the fore as an extremely important task for the progressive development of the country. This is a radical change in the technology of obtaining new knowledge by means of innovative educational technologies.


  • the author reveals the features of the formation of professional competence

  • the essence of training is determined as a means of increasing the professional competence

  • Саме у процесі професійного навчання у майбутнього електромонтера формуються необхідні професійні якості, знання, уміння, необхідні для того, щоб бути конкурентоздатним на професійній ниві, здатними практично вирішувати життєві й професійні проблеми

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ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ ЗАСАДИ ФОРМУВАННЯ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ МАЙБУТНІХ ЕЛЕКТРОМОНТЕРІВ ЗАСОБАМИ ЕОР У статті автор розкриває особливості формування професійної компетентності майбутніх електромонтерів через застосування електронних освітніх ресурсів. Показано як упровадження та застосування електронних освітніх ресурсів в професійну освіту стимулює та мотивує учнів до отримання знань та формування умінь, забезпечує оптимізацію процесу професійного навчання та сприяє розвитку загальних і професійних компетенцій майбутніх робітників.

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