
The article considers one of the most important areas of reforming the education system of high school general secondary education - the introduction of classes for the humanities profile of the integrated course "Natural Sciences". The study provides a scientific and methodological analysis of the structure and content of the proposed for implementation in general secondary education existing curricula of this course of different author teams. The analysis of curricula involved the implementation of their quantitative and qualitative analysis.Quantitative analysis aimed to study the content of programs, their structural construction, calculation of quantitative indicators of programs (number of sections, hours allocated for the study of programs and individual sections, the number of structural elements of knowledge in general and by modules, number of educational projects, laboratory and practical work, the specific gravity of each selected parameter in general and by modules). The obtained quantitative indicators were compared with the quantitative indicators of the subject programs, which allowed to find out the parameters of the fundamentality of the developed programs and to draw the appropriate conclusions. Quantitative parameters based on the results of the analysis are summarized in two tables.The study of qualitative parameters of programs involved identifying approaches, basics and features of each program, comparing them, establishing compliance with the stated goals, objectives, content, structure, expected results of integrated courses "Natural Sciences" actual and specified laws and regulations of Ukraine in education sphere.In general, quantitative and qualitative analyzes allowed to draw conclusions about the compliance of the developed programs "Natural Sciences" with the general goal of the State Standard of Basic and Complete General Secondary Education goal of the Educational Branch "Natural Science" - the formation of natural science competence.The generalization of the obtained quantitative and qualitative parameters of the studied programs of integrated courses "Natural Sciences" allowed to establish the inconsistency of the studied programs with the stated parameters and legislation, to formulate general conclusions and recommendations for improving programs, to outline further research on this topic.

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