The paper considers topical and debatable issues of consumer basket formation in modern Ukraine. The content of the concept of consumer basket and subsistence level of Ukrainians is analyzed, their interdependence is outlined. It was highlighted that terminological, systematic methods, classification method, as well as general scientific research methodology were important for solving research problems. It was found that the subsistence level is the basic state indicator of the social standard, on the basis of which the state determines social guarantees of income, as well as health care, education and housing and communal services. The attention is drawn to the fact that the causes of poverty in Ukraine are economic, because the consumer basket and the subsistence level are not related to the prices of goods and services, but primarily to the payment of utilities. It is emphasized that when compiling the consumer basket, not individual types and brands of products and goods are taken into account, but simplified (averaged) products of groups. It was stated that the set of the consumer basket is detached from the real prices in stores and the needs of the population. It is concluded that the consumer basket is a guarantee of state development in both social and economic dimensions. The higher the standard of living of the country's population, the better the economy works and the country develops. It is emphasized that when assembling a consumer basket, not individual types and brands of products and goods are taken into account, but simplified (averaged) goods of groups. It is stated that the modern set of the consumer basket is divorced from the real prices in stores and the needs of the population. It is concluded that the consumer basket is a guarantee of the development of the state in both social and economic dimensions. The higher the standard of living of the country's population, the better the economy works and the country develops.
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