
The article reveals the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching the compulsory discipline "Physical Rehabilitation" in the process of training trainers of educational qualification level "Bachelor" at the Faculty of Physical Education of Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko . The purpose, tasks of studying the discipline, the list of professional competencies and learning outcomes that students must have during the course are defined. A detailed description of the components of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline is given and presented. The components of educational-methodical complex of the subject was determined: training and content syllabus, supporting lecture notes with questions for self-instructional training, materials for practical classes and independent work, tests for current and module control of students knowledge, final tests. The system of training highly qualified specialists provides classroom (lectures and practical classes) and independent work. In order to promote research activities a master student has 2/3 from all kind of training time.
 According to the educational subject syllabus the teacher suggested the following ways of evaluation of educational achievements of bachelor students as current, modular, final control. Current knowledge assessment and control module are performed in the forms of different tests. The final assessment consists of all points earned during the current testing and modul controls, as well as the performance of individual work. Overall evaluation of bachelor students success is rating and is set by 100-scale system and totraditional scale accepted in Ukraine. A range of points that students may get for the topics of content moduleswere given.

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