
Protective forest plantations are an important part of forest-agricultural landscapes and one of the most effective long-term and relatively inexpensive measures to combat wind and water soil erosion. They have a positive effect on the microclimate of the surrounding areas and can significantly increase crop yields. Also, under certain conditions, they can become an important source of bioenergy feedstock.
 Goal. Development of theoretical bases and practical measures of the use of agroforestry reclamation plantations of Ukraine for energy purposes.
 Methods. In the course of the research it was envisaged to develop schemes of protective forest plantations on the basis of the analysis of the existing information, long-term production and scientific experience which, at full performance of ecological functions, can be used for obtaining bioenergy feedstock.
 Results. It is established that for the simultaneous use of protective forest plantations as a source of energy biomass it is necessary to include fast-growing woody plants (willow, poplar, acacia, maple, etc.) in rows or backstage, which are expected to be periodically cut for biomass. Such plants are then intensively restored by growth from stumps. The basis of such plantations for long-term and permanent performance of their protective functions should mainly consists of the rows of oak trees.
 Conclusions. Protective forest plantations, in addition to the positive impact on the microclimate of the environment and a significant increase in the productivity of agricultural land, can also play an important role as a source of bioenergy feedstock. Today, forest protection plantations are losing their functions for various reasons and need to be reconstructed. At the same time, along with the restoration of protective plantations, it will be possible to obtain about 54.6 million tons of wood for energy needs and form new protective plantations, which, along with improving the ecological environment, will create a reliable feedstock base for bioenergy. The schemes presented in the article can be applied at the stage of restoration and expansion of the field protection system to increase their energy role.

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