
One of the main tasks of current state policy in land use is to ensure the rational use of land. Among numerous measures to protect land and fight against negative degradation processes, an important place is a land under field protection forest plantations. They are an integral element of agricultural landscapes, thanks to which high yields of crops are obtained. The idea of using protective forest plantations to protect agricultural land and improve agro-landscapes has been known for a long time, but its final implementation has yet to happen. Achieving the goal necessitated the need to set and address a complex of interrelated tasks: 1. Consider the current state of protective forest plantations in Ukraine; 2. Research the organization of the structure, the existing control system, and the role that protective forest plantations play in the modern agro-landscape system; 3. Substantiate the development of mechanisms for the functioning of effective monitoring of land under protective forest plantations. The obtained research results have theoretical and practical significance for the further development and improvement of systems of field protection forest plantations. The methodology for improving local monitoring and preservation of field protection forest plantations can be used by united territorial communities to maintain forest strips in proper condition. Theoretical and practical conclusions can be used in forming policy on strengthening the protection of lands occupied by field protection forest plantations, improvement of state administration, organization of their monitoring, conducting inventory, and accounting. Proposals for reforming the legislative framework and improving the accounting of field protection forest strips and protective plantations may interest the authorities that regulate these issues. Uncontrolled and irrational use of resources can soon turn into an environmental threat. Keywords: geodetic monitoring, protective forest plantations, geoinformation systems, land protection.

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