
Purpose. Establishing the efficiency of bio-fungicides against diseases of kidney bean. Methods. Field (spraying crops with bio-fungicides), mathematical and statistical (determination of the significance of deviations between treatments). Results. Spraying kidney bean crops with fungicides of biological origin helps to protect plants from significant damage by such dangerous diseases as powdery mildew, anthracnose, and rust. In particular, in the treatment with the application of bio-fungicides Phytohelp and Mycohelp, the efficiency of powdery mildew control was 65.0-66.3%, the efficiency of anthracnose and rust control was 41.0-41.2% and 47.6-59.8%, respectively, which was slightly (by 3.4-12.8%) lower compared to spraying crops with synthetic fungicides Derosal 500 SC. The yield of kidney bean seeds in the treatments with bio-fungicides was 8.9-9.6% higher compared to the control and 1.1-1.8% lower compared to the standard method. The use of bio-fungicides against kidney bean diseases complies with the European Green Deal on protecting the environment from chemical pollution. Conclusions. Damage to kidney bean crops by diseases leads to a decrease in the assimilation surface of plants and a decrease in the intensity of photosynthesis. The application of bio-fungicides, the composition of which includes fungi and bacteria, contributes to a significant reduction in the damage to the above-ground part of plants by such diseases as powdery mildew, anthracnose, and rust and to the preservation of a significant share of the crop yield.

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