
The article «Theoretical analysis of the problem of professional adaptation of secondary school teachers» is devoted to the theoretical substantiation of the adaptation of young teachers to the professional activity of secondary schools. The presented research uses a set of interrelated methods: theoretical (analysis of pedagogical, psychological literature and teaching materials to determine the real state of training of future secondary education teachers), empirical (questionnaires, surveys and interviews). allows to calculate and assess the level of socio-psychological adaptation of future teachers ZZSO.In the process, a set of research methods was used: theoretical: analysis of philosophical, managerial, psychological and pedagogical domestic and foreign pedagogical literature on the research topic to clarify the state of the problem; systematization, comparison, generalization and modeling of scientific and theoretical material for studying the essence and content of professional adaptation of teachers.
 The methodological and theoretical basis of the study are the leading provisions of pedagogy, psychology, philosophical concepts devoted to the study of socio-professional adaptation of young teachers); conceptual ideas for self-realization of the individual; provisions on activity - personal orientation of the pedagogical process; creating a comfortable environment; theoretical and practical developments on aspects of adaptation of young professionals. The method of analysis allowed to generalize the essence of the basic concepts: "adaptation", "professional adaptation", "maladaptation". Based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific and pedagogical literature, professional adaptation is mostly understood by managers as a one-sided process of mastering the existing requirements for professional activity (with adaptation to specific requirements of a particular school) and is not considered as a process of active introduction of new ideas. activities. As a result of such an approach, sufficient conditions are not created for a high level of activity, creativity of teachers, their self-expression in professional activities. Analyzing the content of primary adaptation as a whole, school principals do not clearly understand and comprehend the content of secondary adaptation of teachers (related to changes in the type of educational institution, changes in student assessment, introduction of new information and computer technologies, rather dynamic changes in mental development of children, crisis stages in the professional development and professional career of teachers themselves, as well as transformational processes in society).

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