
The glossopharyngeal and vagus cranial nerves provide the brainstem with sensory inputs from different receptors in the heart, lung, and vasculature. This afferent information is critical for the short-term regulation of arterial blood pressure and the buffering of emotional and physical stressors. Glossopharyngeal afferents supply the medulla with continuous mechanoreceptive signals from baroreceptors at the carotid sinus. Vagal afferents ascending from the heart supply mechanoreceptive signals from baroreceptors in different reflexogenic areas including the aortic arch, atria, ventricles, and pulmonary arteries. Ultimately, afferent information from each of these distinct pressure/volume baroreceptors is all relayed to the nucleus tractus solitarius, integrated within the medulla, and used to rapidly adjust sympathetic and parasympathetic activity back to the periphery. Lesions that selectively destroy the afferent fibers of the vagus and/or glossopharyngeal nerves can interrupt the transmission of baroreceptor signaling, leading to extreme blood pressure fluctuations. Vagal efferent neurons project back to the heart to provide parasympathetic cholinergic inputs. When activated, they trigger profound bradycardia, reduce myocardial oxygen demands, and inhibit acute inflammation. Impairment of the efferent vagal fibers seems to play a role in stress-induced neurogenic heart disease (i.e., takotsubo cardiomyopathy). This focused review describes: (1) the importance of the vagus and glossopharyngeal afferent neurons in regulating arterial blood pressure and heart rate, (2) how best to assess afferent and efferent cardiac vagal function in the laboratory, and (3) two clinical phenotypes that arise when the vagal and/or glossopharyngeal nerves do not survive development or are functionally impaired.

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