
Early in my practice, circumstances found me active in that class of diseases which center about the circulatory system, and as a consequence, the much debated therapeusis of that remedial agent, digitalis , about which has incessantly waged a warfare of theory and discussion, engaged especial attention. Results were achieved which seemed to substantiate the claims of both advocates and antagonists, and presented a problem manifestly complex, and far from having been elucidated. On the one hand, cases representing a definite clinical type were markedly benefited, while on the other, apparently identical conditions were incapable of being favorably influenced, because of the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms which prevented the administration of the remedy in proper doses or in smaller quantities, sufficiently frequently to reestablish the lost circulatory equilibrium which was so urgently demanded, and what seemed to be facts confirmatory of each of the contending therapeutists, were thus confronted. Recognizing, in

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