
Peter Marcuse has written (Monthly Review, July-August 2000) that globalization "is a nonconcept in most usages: a simple catalogue of everything that seems different since, say, 1970, whether advances in information technology, widespread use of air freight, speculation in currencies, increased capital flows across borders, Disneyfication of culture, mass marketing, global warming, genetic engineering, multinational corporate power, new international division of labor, reduced power of nationstates, or post-Pordism." The problem is more than the careless use of words, the inclusion of everything means the term means little or nothing. Most importantly, "the term fogs any effort to separate cause from effect, to analyze what is being done, by whom, to whom, for what and with what effect." To answer these questions it is necessary to reframe the discussion. Neither the amorphous globalization discourse of everyday social science nor the previously dominant one of nation-state sovereignty are satisfactory to the task.This article can also be found at the Monthly Review website, where most recent articles are published in full.Click here to purchase a PDF version of this article at the Monthly Review website.

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