The paper presents a method of approximating the efficiency of a Cause-Mean-Effect (CME) triad of technical or non-technical nature, which may be used in the phylosophy of technology, especially to estimate the effects over a longer period of time of a CME triad with cyclical and variable evolution. The method consists in the studying of the CME triad’s evolution by a graphical representation with three axes in which the position on its axis of representation of the cause C or of the effect E indicates its intensity and the position on its axis of representation of the mean M represents its value expressed by the maximal possible intrinsic negentropy: OM = - SM and by its reliability p(), the efficiency of the CME triad being approximated in a simplified form as given by the product of the ratios (E/M) and (E/C). The use value of the mean M can be empirically but generally approximated by a relation: M = KM SMp() wherein KM is a quasi-constant of proportionality whose value is inversely proportional to the value of the utilities necessary for the maintaining of the reliability p() of the M-mean and which may be taken also with decreasing value- in the case of a relative triad. There are presented examples of studying the efficiency of CME triads associated with technical or non-technical or mixed systems, which reveals the possibility of the method’s using in the theory of technical or non-technical systems, in particular - in assessing the risk of the society’s regression by the degrading of the environment by irrational using of some technologies or by the excessive exploitation of natural resources. It is evidenced also the link with the known principle of “agglomeration of results”, by the variant of “tetradic CME triad”, with two different but useful effects, E1, E2, obtained by a single cause C and a single mean M.
It is currently discussed in the society of philosophers about the so-called "philosophy of technology"
By comparing with different market products, it follows that the production value of a product considered as a mean M for converting a C cause into a socially useful E effect is proportional to the degree of complexity and its internal organization, which in systemic terms is can be expressed by the maximum entropy of the product taken with the minus sign, (i.e. by the negentropy comprised by the product (-SM)) and with the reliability of the product, p(τ), which represents the "confidence" that we can have in the product functioning for a longer period of time
The proposed method of approximating the efficiency of a Cause-Mean-Effect (CME) triad of technical or non-technical nature, considered with cyclical and variable evolution, is based by a graphical representation with three axes in which the position on its axis of representation of the cause C or of the effect E indicates its intensity and the position on its axis of representation of the mean M represents its value expressed by the amount of the intrinsic negentropy: OM = SM and its reliability p(τ), the efficiency of the CME triad being approximated in a simplified form as given by the product of the ratios (E/M) and (E/C): ∈ ≈ E2/M⋅C
It is currently discussed in the society of philosophers about the so-called "philosophy of technology". In direct connection with this philosophical aspect is the International Journal of Philosophy 2020; 8(1): 8-14 problem of the efficiency of technological creations such as inventions, innovations (utility models) Because these technical creations represent new and inventive technical solutions to known or new technical problems, aiming at the conversion of technical or non-technical C- causes Natural causes such as the wind energy) in effects E useful for the society (the obtaining of electricity, etc.), it appears the social-technological problem of the efficiency of the triad: Cause-Mean-Effect, (CME), problem that it is generally related to the general evolution of human society (evolution that involves technological progress but is not limited to it), and in particular it is related to the technological evolution of the society and implicitly- to the field of the philosophy of technology.
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