
The tourism is today, thankfully, an important alternative to the economical dynamization of 
 stagnated areas that have potentiality for its development. Among the different modalities of 
 tourism, some can, with success, be developed in the rural area - among them the ecotourism 
 and the rural tourism. Considering that the tourist activities need to promote the 
 environmental conservation so that the same ones reach its sustainability, once when 
 degrading the environment in which they happen, they degrade themselves. The objective of 
 the work is it of evaluating the potentialities for the development of the tourism in the rural 
 areas as instrument capable to avoid or to minimize the degradation of the lands in semi-arid 
 environment in the Northeast Region of Brazil, having the environmental education as guide 
 base of the handling of those activities for the several involved actors. The research focuses 
 the Poles of Development of Eco-tourism in the area, confronting the socioeconomic realities 
 to the tourist possibilities offered by the natural resources and cultural patrimonies. It grew 
 starting from cabinet studies and of field, propitiating the recognition of the discrepancy 
 among the potentiality for the development of the tourism in the rural area and its occurrence, 
 demonstrating the divergence among the speech contained in the National Politics of Tourism 
 and its practice, once this continues to motivate, in different ways, the tourism in the coastal 
 areas, where they are driven the largest amount of financial investment, so much in infrastructure terms as in training of human resources. But, at the same time, it was also 
 possible to identify areas where tourist activities are being capable to promote the decrease of 
 the human pressure on the natural resources, especially in what it concerns to the vegetable 
 covering and the soil, that promote the degradation of the lands and, in certain cases, the 
 origin and intensification of the phenomenon of the desertification.

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