
The article discusses the need for nationally oriented education in the unity of the processes of education, training and personal development. The relevance of the parameters of educational results most desirable for the security of Russia and the preservation of the nation is emphasized. The theory of nationally oriented education with the necessary necessity presupposes a methodology of education, training and development of a morally and patriotically mature personality, ready for socially responsible behavior and constructive activity. The theory of nationally oriented education should include: the concept of a new didactics; the concept of education in conditions of a radically changed being layer of life of children and adults; the concept of the development of intelligence as a systemic interaction of cognitive abilities and a representative picture of the world. In the prevailing geopolitical, socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions, a nationally oriented education should be a state and personally significant basis for the formation of individual and public consciousness. The goals and principles of the organization of education should be methodologically consistent. The principle of variability can be one of the central in solving the problems of education and development, but it requires the necessary restrictions in the dissemination of individual strategies for the assimilation of knowledge and their diversity. The theory of nationally oriented education should be based on the primacy of content and the need for a unified foundation of the educational space, but without the limitations of an in-depth or expanded study of the subject with the use of additional literature.

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