
The manipulative influence issue it is not a new topic for discussion but, only with the advent of the mass media concept it became popular and requires the intervention not only of scientists but also of the international community. The study mass media phenomena are equipping a mankind with a broader and deeper understanding of society and culture due to the fact that the texts produced by the mass media are the most socially significant messages and have a priority in the society over all other types of texts. Moreover, in in recent years, the concepts of mass consciousness influence and mass behavior influence had become increasingly popular. Frequently, mass media is the subject or instrument of such manipulation. The manipulation process (as the influencing process on a person or a social group) is the more effective (by the power of impact), when the deeper level of consciousness the manipulator employs. Additionally, the deeper the level of manipulation when the slower the «processing» of consciousness, but the stronger the transformation in all other levels, and the result of exposure is more prolonged. Currently, the mass media manipulative influence problem is being solved at the highest level: specialized regulation (EU GDPR) and laws are being developed and implemented. Since the advent the fact of the mass media manipulative influence on public opinion of individuals, scientists have thoroughly studied the notion of the mass media manipulative influence and the methods by which such influence can be effected. However, the process of quantitative evaluation of mass media manipulative influence remains insufficiently researched. It is known that the manipulation process with many factors that often depend on each other is laborious enough, the process of quantitative evaluation of mass media manipulative influence becomes even harder. In the article was developed the quantitative evaluation method of mass media manipulative influence on public opinion .The method by means of evaluating financial expenditures, defining goals, objectives and strategies for manipulating, selecting mass media and classified methods of manipulation, based on the generated databases of causes, goals of the criteria, focus groups and mass media, allows to calculate the quantitative parameters that characterize the magnitude of manipulative mass media influences on public opinion.

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