
Information and advisory services are an integral part of the innovation system, where they are now more than ever a key link between research, education and production. The eff ectiveness of the formation of the system of agricultural consulting is primarily interested in agricultural producers, the effectiveness of which depends directly on the prompt and complete receipt of the necessary information and advice. The analysis of the process of information and consulting services shows that it is based on effective modern knowledge, allowing to operate with huge information resources. It should be noted that from the transfer of information consulting is diff erent in that it is aimed at a specifi c object that has its own characteristics, developing in specifi c conditions. Successful work and the dissemination of best practices for consulting will create in agri-industrial complex eff ective system for information and advisory service for agricultural producers and population, operating in a single information and legal space aimed at improving the effectiveness of production, amplifying the infl uence of the consulting organizations for the promotion and implementation of investment projects at the regional level and is one of the main instruments of implementation of the state agri-food policy.

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