
Problem and topicality of research consist in the study of theoretical and methodological problems at using the base of saving production in the higher educational institutions taking into account the special features of its activity, specificity of problems and tasks.Aim of the article was the grounding of the system of development of the higher technical education on the principles of economy. The problems consist in disclosure and substantiation of the elements of development of the higher technical education system taking into account the principles of saving production; determination of the possible use of saving production instruments in higher education sphere especially in the modern educational institution.Methods of research were the following: methods of analysis, prognostication, diagnostics, observation, pedagogical experiment.The concretized essence of saving use of the higher technical educational institution resources embodied in experimental monitoring technology of professional training of the future specialists in the higher technological educational institution on the base of idea of saving production. There was proved pedagogical expediency of advanced training of the future specialists in the process of their professional training in the higher technical educational institution on the base of saving production at its professional activity. There were substantiated: the lean-technology of professional training in the higher technical educational institution in the context of idea of continuous education based on principles of saving “production of knowledge” is the system of continuous monitoring of educational process effectiveness and of the saving use of its possibilities in the higher technical educational institution as the dominant of the future engineers training that is directed on the permanent revelation and neutralization of educational losses for the development of professionalism and creation at the expense of “retractive” production of knowledge and its permanent self-improvement


  • Problem and topicality of research consist in the study of theoretical and methodological problems at using the base of saving production in the higher educational institutions taking into account the special features of its activity, specificity of problems and tasks

  • Aim of the article was the grounding of the system of development of the higher technical education on the principles of economy

  • The problems consist in disclosure and substantiation of the elements of development of the higher technical education system taking into account the principles of saving production; determination of the possible use of saving production instruments in higher education sphere especially in the modern educational institution

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4. Лін-технології професійної підготовки у ВТНЗ у контексті ідеї безперервної освіти на засадах «ощадливого виробництва знань» Науковий аналіз зародження та урізноманітнення педагогічних технологій упровадження ощадливого виробництва у сучасний освітній процес вищих технічних навчальних закладів (на вивчені досвіду зарубіжних вишів) дозволив поглибити наукове уявлення про експериментальну моніторингову технологію професійної підготовки фахівців у вищому технічному навчальному закладі, що уможливило виокремлення критеріїв технологічності впровадження ощадливого виробництва, таких, якот: системність, концептуальність, сучасність, науковість, точність, інтегративність (інтегральність), цілісність, оптимальність витрат, керованість, діагностичне цілепокладання і проектування, відтворюваність процесу навчання і його результатів, кількісна і якісна оцінка результатів навчання, планована продуктивність.

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